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Pearl City Soccer Club

In order to operate a successful club, we need to collect fees from every player which will cover the following:

  • league fees - play in 7-8 games during each season. Will cover field fees along with officiating fees that are also included
  • Facility use fees - the cost to have access to outdoor facilities including lighting and indoor facilities as well
  • administrative fees - supplies, training equipment, etc.
  • coaching fees - cost of having a professional coach at all training sessions and as many games as schedules allow

Tournament and gear fees are separate.  Tournaments will be recommended by the Director of Coaching and every team will have a club representative that will collect tournament fees to submit to club treasurer in order to get registered for tournaments.  Gear information can be found under the club gear tab.  Fees can be paid up all at once at time of registration.  The club fee will be divided in installments which will need to be collected on the specified dates.  Please note that these fees will cover the whole soccer "year" from time of registration till the end of the spring season of the following year as the soccer year runs from August 1 to July 31.

If in need of financial assistance or if you have any questions in regards to the fee structure, please contact us at or 563-571-3019.

FEES by Age Group

u8 - $350 per year ($175 per season)

U9-U10 - $500 per year ($250 per season)

U11-U12 - $550 per year ($275 per season)

u13-u14 - $600 per year ($300 per season)

U15-U19 - $300 for fall season only